
Movin' On

Well, it's been a good run here at the Black Lake Apartments, but the management is so incompetent that it was time to go. In fact, I called tonight to ask a question and they just confirmed that it really is time to go so I am very happy with my decision!

So thanks in advance to all that are helping with the move. It shouldn't be that hard and I know that you'll be blessed for your service. (If that doesn't guilt you into it, nothing will!)

In preparation for the coming holiday season, I have prepared at chart for when the family will be home so that we can all plan accordingly:

Can't wait to see you all in person, and not just the pictures on Chanel's blog! Peace!


Carson Calderwood said...

Nice chart, I'm impressed!

Nadeau Family said...

I'm glad Kevin and Chanel have decided on the name Peanut for their new child.....Boy or Girl, I think it will work nice!

Brian said...

yea so we overlap everyone by like twenty weeks