
Always double-check

Finally, the end of another quarter. It was a fun quarter, although when I tell most people what I took they feel sorry for me. Statistics wasn't many people's favorite when they took it, but I certainly enjoyed working it out.

We were assigned to do a research project in groups then make a presentation to the class in the last session. My group was great and so much fun. We got together several times to prepare.

We had five minutes for our presentation. We cut things out to get it down to just the right time - 5 minutes. Our teacher had told us that we had to keep to our time, that there would be a timekeeper.

We got together before class to be more certain and to make sure that we were all ready. We had ten slides and came in right at five minutes. We were hoping to go first, just to get it over with. But we weren't quick enough. We were third.

The first group got up and they had 40 slides. And they were talking slowly. How were they going to finish in the five minutes?!? It got me thinking, so I slowly pulled out the syllabus.

25-minutes. Our presentation was supposed to be 25-minutes long!! I spent the next five minutes working to not throw up. And then I got to work. I let everyone in the group know and we all worked on lengthening our parts of the presentation. I, thankfully, had brought a few of my other notes.

We all lengthened our presentations. I, of course, talked the longest. We finished at 22 minutes. During the presentation, Cho passed me this note:

Like I said, I had a great group!

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